Tuesday, December 11, 2018

Cancer update 12/11/18

Those of you who are my friends on Facebook may have noticed that I’ve been doing a countdown on there. Well, no countdown today because I got bad news from my radiologist. I had thought that I was down to 4 more treatments to go, but he informed me that I was going to have to go through 44 treatments, not 40!

Originally, he had said I would be having 25 treatments, then a few weeks in he switched it to 40 because I was a ‘Big Guy’ and the treatment he had originally intended to use wasn’t feasible. Now, he informed me that it was going to take 44, not 40. I am upset to say the least, a little disheartened and slightly confused. How can a doctor not keep their patient fully informed?? I just don’t understand it.

Anyway, I feel okay. Still very tired, somewhat weak and am concerned because my blood sugar has been running high. I spoke to the radiologist about the blood sugars, and he said it shouldn’t be due to the radiation treatments. He did say that it may be due to the injection that they give me to kill my testosterone. I have a call into my regular doctor and am waiting on an answer.

Tomorrow I will update my countdown to reflect the correct amount of treatments left. Until then, hold a good thought for me please. And, thank all of you for your good wishes!

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