Friday, December 21, 2018

Cancer blog 12/21/2018

Well, I finally finished my radiation treatments for my prostate cancer! Yesterday was my 44th and final one.

I have to be honest here and say that when I first found out that I had stage 3 prostate cancer I was scared! I was scared for myself of course, but I think that I was more scared for Linda. We’ve always been there for each other; through thick and thin, in sickness and in health, in the good times and the bad times. Just like the marriage vows say, we were there. All of a sudden, the thought crept into my mind that I might not be there when she needed me.

Also, I was afraid that I might not be able to see my granddaughters grow up. It was possible that I wouldn’t have the opportunity to spend time with my 2 sons and my daughter-in-laws from time to time.

Hell; I didn’t know what I was scared of, but I WAS scared.

My final visit with the oncologist was heartening, thankfully. He said that he considered me in remission and that all I would have to do is keep getting the shots to kill my testosterone every 3 months and get my PSA checked at the same time just so that they could be sure that the cancer didn’t come back.

My final visit was a relief, but at the same time kind of sad. I grew to know all the technicians, the woman who checked me in and several of the other patients. Now I wouldn’t be seeing them anymore. I gave the technicians a card to pass around to everyone there; thanking them for everything they did for me. And, in return they gave me a diploma that they all signed with well wishes. So, all in all, it was a great but sad day,

Also, this week, we got another 4-figure bill for treatments. I do believe that we will be able to meet our insurance deductible!! The bad part is that it’s a week and a half from year end. Oh well; such is life.

I am hoping against hope that now that the treatments are over that I can get back to whatever passes as normal for this old man. I’m struggling to stay awake as I write this in fact. I still am feeling rather weak also. Another bout of the runs the past few days hasn’t helped my attitude either.

I just want to be able to start making some money to help pay the bills!!! I have every hope that at least by the end of the year, or the beginning of next year that can happen.

As always, I thank all of you who are reading this for your well wishes and for keeping both Linda and I in your thoughts and prayers!!